Wednesday, February 6, 2008

CNY and 'music therapy'

Okay, first things first.

I shall proudly declare to the world that THIS IS MY 80TH POST! Ok. 'Nuff said.

At the CNY concert in school today, the Chinese dancers did a good enactment of peacocks (or rather, peahens!). My colleagues and I were reminded of the ‘arch of the back’ of the woman in Maya Angelou’s poem. Something only a woman can carry off.

Just done with spring cleaning. I was assigned all the doors of my home to wipe. As I did the work, I played Beethoven's 1st piano concerto on the stereo. Great, invigorating music to go along with the grueling work. It really kept the spirits (and my arms) up and going. I've always found music touching at various points of my life. I remember the warmth I felt listening to the brass instruments while playing for the first time in a combined orchestra during a music camp in JC. I remember always listening to Bach's Bradenburg Concertos to cure my headache when I was young(er). I remember feeling very emo(tional) one day years ago, and as I played Chopin's A flat etude on the piano, tears just kept streaming down my cheeks because the harmonies were just so lovely....the list goes on.

BTW, now that I'm done with the spring cleaning, I've changed the disc on the stereo to Chinese oldies by Feng Fei Fei (this Taiwanese singer who always dons a cap on stage. and her name means 'Phoenix Fly Fly' in English btw) to please my parents. One should not blast symphonic music at your elders all day.

Happy CNY to all. May you all have a good rest from the hard work and go back to school/work refreshed next week!

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