Saturday, March 1, 2008

Paper cuts

I've been getting some strange cuts on my hands recently.

Last Sunday I was pulling out this file from a cabinet in church and the sharp edge sliced my left palm. Okay, the word 'sliced' makes it sound quite horrific as if blood spluttered in all directions but actually, it's only a 1cm cut and not too deep.

Then on Thursday, I was helping a colleague open her newly-bought IT gadget (can't remember if it's a thumbdrive, laser pointer or something like that), which was so securely sealed that you have to make cuts in all sorts of directions before you could pull the thing out. After that, I discovered a small cut on the left hand of my baby finger, opps...I mean the baby finger of my left hand.

Then, this afternoon, I discovered another cut at one of the joints on the back of my right baby finger. I don't know how I got that cut, but it must have been there for some time, because there was dried blood around it on the wrinkly skin around the joint, forming a web-like pattern of brown. Must have cut it somewhere this morning.

Why am I writing this boring account of the misadventures of my hand?

Anyway, on my last lesson with 301 on Thursday, the Language Arts rep gave a tiny impromptu 'tribute' to me on behalf of the class. Anyway, the gist of her speech was thanking me for giving them worksheets :) They are a very responsive class who are always on task.

I'm sorry to those of you whose links on my blog have disappeared. The cyber bogeyman invaded my site and swallowed them! Haha.

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